My Parrots: Tips to Be the Master of Birds

Hi my name is Leo Tsai. As a person who has kept birds for over 10 years ; Today, I here to teach my audience about the tips and things to be aware of . The blog involves three main points, the introduction of different kinds of parrots , and tips for cleaning cages.

1. Introduction of parrots:

There are many kinds of parrots, the introduction only includes the parrots I had raise before and now.

(1) Love Birds:

Interaction: Close to people, sometimes they fly toward you.

Energy: They bite things crazily. Sometimes they use the cage iron to sharpen their beak.

Noisy level: Annoying.

Speaking ability: Low. Like to mimic other birds sound

Volume: Loud, high pitch.

Destruction: Destroy everything.


-Powerful beak


-Strong regional consciousness

(2) Budgerigar

Interaction: They are curious about everything. Playing hair, hiding in the corner.

Energy: Like kids in the playground.

Noisy level: Like someone whispering

Speaking ability: I never see them talk.

Volume: Not loud

Destruction: They don’t destroy things, but they are good troublemaker.


-Be award of your books and keyboard


-Small sizes (watch your feet)

-Be patient, they are hard to catch

3. Small Conure

Interaction: Close to people, but watch out for your finger

Energy: Sometimes they dance.

Noisy level: Don’t chirp very often

Speaking ability: Usually don’t speak.

Volume: They chirp loud.

Destruction: The beak are powerful. They can easily break plastic.


-beak is strong

-They don’t chirp very often. If they start chirping, it is noisy.

-Only close to one person

-4. Cockatiel

Interaction: They are really close to people.

Energy: Like to throw things from the table to the floor.

Noisy level: They chirp loud when they can’t see you.

Speaking ability: They don’t like to talk. Instead, they like to sing.

Volume: High pitch, causing ear ringing when they stand on your shoulders.

Destruction: They bite papers, magazine. Sometimes steal your food.


-They are timid

-Owner should always be with them, or they will be panic and fly around crazily.

-They chirp with high pitch, watch out your ear.

2.Tips for cleaning the cage:

(1) Change the feed and water:

First,it’s important to change their feed and add water for the birds everyday. When changing the feed, the owners should pick up the droppings in their food. Besides, I only add a little once. Therefore, the birds can finish the feed, and I can add new ones for them the other day. Changing water, on the other hand, is also an important work. It’s important to adjust to the right angle, or the water cannot come out.

(2) Cleaning the plate:

Second, cleaning the plate every day prevent the birds from getting sick. When owners are cleaning, they should remember to prepare a vacuum cleaner. Do not take the plate and pour the things into the trash can. The little feathers we can’t see with our eyes will remain in the air of your house.

My family Member:


1.Parrots open the door.

2.Parrots sing

3. Parrot is trying to eat your food.

Positive Psychology: 24 Character Strengths Project – Sharing Love out of Music 

Hi, I’m Tiffany Chen, a junior from NPTU English Department. In my sophomore year, I took a general education course called Introduction to Well-Being-Positive Psychology, where we discussed various psychological concepts such as Flow, The PERMA Model, etc. The topic that impressed me the most was the 24 character strengths, which we discussed throughout the semester. In this blog, I will briefly explain this concept and demonstrate the project I conducted based on my character strengths. GO GO~

24 character strengths

Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman, renowned psychologists, published an influential book called “Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification.” This groundbreaking book introduces the VIA Classification of character strengths and virtues which categorizes people’s positive traits. Character Strengths and Virtues served as the foundation of the science of positive psychology, including six categories and a total of 24 character strengths.

You can test your character strengths and virtues on this website:

My Character Strengths


Encouraging a group of which one is a member to get things done and at the same time maintain good relations within the group; organizing group activities and seeing that they happen.


Being careful about one’s choices; not taking undue risks; not saying or doing things that might later be regretted.

Capacity for Love

Valuing close relations with others, in particular, those in which sharing and caring are reciprocated; being close to people.


Doing favors and good deeds for others; helping them; taking care of them.


Treating all people the same according to notions of fairness and justice; not letting feelings bias decisions about others; giving everyone a fair chance.

21 days Challenge – Share Love out of Music


One of my strengths is the “Capacity for Love” I value intimate relationships. I believe that sharing love is one way to love others. Therefore, my family and friends are the perfect subjects for this project! Through sharing meaningful, healing, or relaxing songs, I will help everyone understand the meaning of the song and the messages I want to convey (my love 💓). I receive lots of love from others. Therefore, I also want to be someone who shares love to others. I hope that my family and friends who see my Instagram stories can get positive energy, happiness, encouragement, healing, or even resonance which can benefit them both physically and mentally. I want to use this project as a way to convey love.

☆ Practice

To daily share a positive and meaningful song on Instagram stories, including song analysis, lyrics, and my thoughts.

☆ Theory Evidence

Your social media are quietly affecting the emotions of your friends

In 2014, a research article that published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) is centered around the investigation of 680,000 American Facebook users to examine how emotions can be spread over social media. The study showed that if users were exposed to more positive posts, they would potentially use a more optimistic tone in their own posts. In contrast, if they saw several more pessimistic contents, their usage of words in their own posts would probably be influenced relatively. A similar study was conducted on Twitter users in 2015, discovering similar results. However, not everyone is susceptible to the emotional impact of others’ word choices.

How Music Awakens the Heart: An Experimental Study on Music, Emotions, and Connectedness

An academic journal published by Taylor & Francis Group in 2021. The study included examined 105 participants’ emotional experiences and altruistic behaviors related to listening to meaningful and pleasurable music. The study indicated that listening to meaningful music resulted in people’s stronger feelings of inspiration, motivation to connect with others. 66.7% of participants who listened to meaningful music expressed a desire to build rapport with others, compared to 16.7% of participants who listened to pleasurable music. Moreover, 41.2% of participants conducted altruistic behavior, donating to charity. The study suggests the idea that meaningful and pleasurable music can evoke emotions and promote social connections and positive emotions.

☆ 21 days record

☆ Reviews

YENA 《Smiley》

“I was a little bit down a moment ago. When I suddenly heard this song from your story, I gain positive energy.💪 It gets me in a good mood again!💙”

“Sometimes I listen to this song when I wake up. It gives me a refresher.”

“That’s awesome!! I immediately fell in love with this joyous melody.💟💟💟”

YENA (최예나) – SMILEY (Feat. BIBI) MV

Colbie Caillat 《Try》

“I’m a fan of this song!!💓💓💓”

“This song is soft but firm. Just like you mentioned in the text, “You don’t have to try” “You just have to get up” This song gives me a feeling different from some songs which are sonorous and forceful. Personally, I think that kind of song is forcing you to pick yourself up quickly. However, this beautiful song is warm and gentle, with firmness in her voice, lyrics, and melody! It is uplifting and gently propels us forward. (*´︶`*)”

Colbie Caillat – Try (Official Video)

BTS《Magic Shop》

“This song was my spiritual pillar when I was a third-grade student in high school.🥹”

BTS – Magic Shop

ATEEZ 《Thank U》

“Thank you!❤️”


Overall Reviews

“I have been following your song selections these days! Every song is great and it feels like a reflection of life because the stories, emotions, and issues in the songs are things that I have experienced before.”

“Thank you very much! Every time I saw you sharing, I gained some new and great songs!!👍👍”

“This is a warm and meaningful project!🥰I love this so much!!💛”


First of all, I’m glad that I gradually filling my goal by implementing this project. I created a goal for my life, becoming someone with stories, warmth, and contribution. This project gave me an opportunity to utilize my character strengths to make effects on others positively. I enjoyed the process of doing it.

Secondly, I appreciate reviews from everyone. During the process, I received several reviews from my family and friends, where they shared their thoughts and feelings about specific songs. They expressed how the melody and lyrics of the songs have moved and empowered them. The positive feedback from everyone made me feel that there are actually people who have genuinely benefited both physically and mentally from the music I shared. The result has achieved my initial goal of sharing love.

Last but not least, I think this project is worth doing. I am grateful that people could resonate with the songs I chose. I didn’t dabble in a variety of songs but still carefully selected ones that carried deeper meanings. This project not only benefits others but also had a significant impact on my own well-being. Through this music journey, I have gained positive energy and encouragement as well. I really enjoyed conducting this project and will try my best to keep utilizing my strengths to share and express love, aspiring to become a person with more warmth in the future.

☆ Video: 24 Character Strengths Project

☆ References

Connecting Strengths. (Feb 14, 2017). Acknowledge Alliance. Accessed May 28, 2023, from website:

Happyadhd Editor, n.d. “My 6 VIRTUES & 24 STRENGTHS” H.A.P.P.Y. ADHD. Accessed May 28, 2023, from website:

Anonymous, (May 29, 2016) “Ni De Dong Tai, Jheng Chiao Chiao Ying Siang Jhe Hao You De Ching Syu Ya!” [Your social media are quietly affecting the emotions of your friends] POSPSYJOLOSO. Accessed May 28, 2023, from website:

Rebecca N. H. de Leeuw, et al., (Jul 26, 2021) “How Music Awakens the Heart: An Experimental Study on Music, Emotions, and Connectedness.” Mass Communication and Society. Accessed May 28, 2023, from website:

My Harmonious Journey with NPTU Concert Band

During my senior year in high school, I started looking into colleges, and my first college tour was at National Pingtung University (NPTU). NPTU offers a bustling student life with numerous activities and events throughout the year. Students can participate in various clubs and organizations that cater to their interests, ranging from music and sports to social causes and community service.

I was fortunate enough to participate in a club during my college life – the NPTU concert band – an experience I will always remember and cherish. Usually, band members would have rehearsal on the third floor of the Educational Technologies building every week. In my free time, I also went to the practice room in the music building on Linsen campus. From the very first day of practice, I was amazed by the talent and dedication of my fellow musicians. Our band director was a skilled conductor who challenged us to push our limits and strive for excellence. Our rehearsals were held after school, and we spent countless hours practicing our pieces, perfecting our technique, and ensuring that we were in sync with each other. It was hard work, but the sense of accomplishment we felt after each practice was indescribable.

Theater Room in the Educational Technologies building

2020 (freshman year) Chiayi International Band Festival (I was one of the hosts).

2021 (Sophomore year) Christmas Concert.

2022 (Sophomore year) National Student Competition of Music in Chiayi (I played the Tuba).

2023 (Junior year) National Student Competition of Music in Kaohsiung.

One of the highlights of the year was our annual concert, which was held in the Performance Hall on the Linsen campus. We spent months preparing for this event, selecting the pieces we wanted to play and rehearsing them until we knew them inside and out. The first notes of our opening piece rang out, and I felt a rush of adrenaline. As we progressed through the concert, I could feel the emotion and passion in the music. The audience was engaged and captivated, and it was evident that all of our hard work had paid off. As we played our final piece, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. We had worked so hard, and it was amazing to see our efforts culminate in such a beautiful performance. Being a part of the school concert band was not just about playing music. It was about learning the value of hard work, dedication, and teamwork. It taught me that when you work together with others towards a common goal, anything is possible.

2023 Annual Concert with NPUST Concert band.

After every rehearsal, I had the opportunity to explore the nearby attractions and natural wonders that Pingtung offers. The city is home to several famous night markets, where band members can indulge in delicious street food and experience the local culture after being bombarded with music notes for several hours. Looking back on that experience, I realize how much it shaped me as a person. It instilled in me a love for music, a passion for excellence, and a deep appreciation for the power of teamwork. It is an experience that I will always treasure and carry with me for the rest of my life.

Below is the link for ALL NPTU’s Concert band performances:

Mahjong101: Your Guidance to Mastering the Game and English

What’s the origin?

Mahjong is a game that originated in China and was originally called “sparrow tiles.”

The name “Mahjong” comes from Su-Zhe in China where there were a lot of sparrows causing problems for the grain supply. To solve this problem, officials offered rewards to people who helped catch sparrows. They used wooden tiles made of bamboo to keep track of the number of sparrows caught.

“Bamboo tiles” = Sparrows

“Dot tiles” = Firearms

“Character tiles”= the amount of reward

Tiles Introduction

Mahjong consists of 144 tiles, including 136 basic tiles,

4 flower tiles, and 4 season tiles.

紅中(Red Dragon)
青發(Green Dragon)
白板(White Dragon) 
東(East Wind)
南(South Wind)
西(West Wind)
北(North Wind)

How to start the game?

  1. Picking seats: Before the game begins, players need to decide where to sit. The rules for picking seats involve taking out the four tiles, East, South, West, and North. Then one person roles three dice to determine who gets to draw tiles first. The player who gets the East tile can choose his seat, while the remaining players take turns drawing tiles and sitting in their assigned seats.
  2. Shuffle: Once the players have settled into their seats, they can proceed with shuffling and stacking the tiles. All the mahjong tiles are placed face down on the table, and the players work together to mix them up. Then, the tiles are stacked in two rows, with 18 tiles in each row. This forms the “tile wall” in the center of the table, creating a square shape. The players are now ready to begin the game.
  3. Qi Zhuang: the process of determining the starting dealer in the game. The player sitting in the East seat rolls three dice to decide who becomes the dealer. The dealer then starts drawing tiles in a clockwise direction, taking four tiles at a time. Each player receives a total of 16 tiles, and this completes the tile distribution.
  4. Chi and Peng: crucial processes in the game of Mahjong for winning. Each player must use Chi (take a tile to complete a straight) and Peng (take a tile to complete a set of three) to form winning combinations, which consist of five groups of sequences or triplets, along with one pair of matching tiles as the “eyes.” A “sequence” refers to three consecutive tiles of the same suit, while a “triplet” consists of three identical tiles. A “pair” refers to two matching tiles that serve as the “eyes.” When it comes to Chi, it’s important to note that each player can only take the tile discarded by the player before them. In another scenario, if you already have two tiles of the same suit in your hand and a player discards a tile of the same suit that you need, you can call “Peng” and lay down the three tiles in front of you. The special thing about Peng is that you can Peng any player’s discarded tile, not just the one from the player before you. Furthermore, Peng takes precedence over Chi, meaning that once a player has called Peng, the next player cannot Chi.
  5. Hu: It is defined as when you have formed five groups of sequences or triplets, along with one pair of matching tiles as the “eyes.” At this point, you can call “Hu!” to declare that your tiles are complete and you have won the game. It serves as a signal to announce your victory.
  6. Chunk: the situation in Mahjong where one player discards a tile, allowing another player to win by declaring “Hu!” In this case, the player who discarded the tile is referred to as the “chucker.”
  7. Self-drawn win:the situation in Mahjong where a player wins. When a player draws the tile they were waiting for and declares “Hu!” as a result, it is called a “self-drawn win.”

Special term

Exposed Kong: reveal four tiles of the same suit

Concealed Kong: keep tiles you kong a secret from other players by placing four tiles face down on the table.

Draw: no player wins or self-draws throughout an entire game

Discard: when we put unwanted tiles onto the table

Long hand: having more or fewer than 16 tiles, which means the player is disqualified from the game directly.

Fake hand: deceive other players to win, if discovered, one would be punished

Quiz: What tiles am I waiting for?





VoiceTube Blog. (n.d.) “Májiàng yīngwén zěnme shuō? Hú pái, fàng qiāng děng gèzhǒng chángjiàn májiàng yīngwén shùyǔ yīcì xué qǐlái!” Retrieved May 29th from VoiceTube Website:


Journey in the U.S.: My Cultural Immersion and Personal Growth Abroad

I am Sam, a junior from NPTU English Department. I have been yearning for experiencing studying in the U.S. and am curious about the difference in education between Taiwan and the U.S., such as teaching style, strategies, and so forth. UNA has similarities with NPTU in that it was formerly a teacher’s college and later transformed into a comprehensive university. UNA offers courses in language arts allowing students to pursue educational careers in English.

Premium Economy (Eva Airline).


The first day we arrived (Aug 9th 2022).


Lucky dip (Aug 17th 2022).

Additionally, UNA offers many benefits to international students, such as school buses with different routes and a free-bus service from UNA to significant shopping centers, and low-cost accommodation.

Rice Hall.

Mane market.

Panda Express.

UNA encourages international students to proactively engage in activities on campus and in the community, providing them with a full range of support and opportunities to showcase themselves. Taking part in activities not only helps students understand the American language, culture, and common sense from various aspects but also get more opportunities to cultivate their independence and leadership skills. I am quite fascinated by the policy that UNA grants plenty of services and supports to international students to help students integrate quickly and smoothly into American culture and campus life. I am convinced that UNA would be the ideal place for me while studying abroad.

Marching Band Summer Camp – UNA Marching Pride (Aug 7th to 16th 2022).

Homcoming parade/Grill and Greet (Welcoming party for intl students) (Sep 2022).

Football game (Sep 2022).

First Friday in the city Florence (held every month).

German Day (Nov 2022).

Florence renaissance fair (Nov 2022).

I was the English tutor in office of intl affairs (Sep to Dec 2022).

Studying abroad has always been viewed as a great opportunity to improve one’s language skills and cultural awareness. However, many people have misconceptions about studying abroad and how it can lead to good English. Some believe that simply being immersed in an English-speaking environment will instantly improve language proficiency, but the reality is much more complex.

Firstly, while studying abroad provides a great chance to practice speaking English with native speakers, it does not guarantee immediate fluency. It takes time and effort to become proficient in a language, and even living in a foreign country may not be enough to master it. Additionally, immersion in a foreign culture can be overwhelming, making it difficult to focus on language learning.

Secondly, as a Taiwanese student studying in the United States, I experienced culture shock firsthand. While I was excited about the opportunity to live in a different country and learn from a new culture, I was unprepared for the challenges I would face. The cultural differences between Taiwan and the US were significant, from the way people interacted with each other to the food they ate. It was a difficult adjustment, and I often felt homesick and isolated.

However, over time, I began to appreciate the differences and embrace the new culture. I realized that the cultural exchange was a two-way street and that I could also share my own culture with others. By doing so, I was able to form meaningful connections with people and gain a deeper understanding of the world.
Thirdly, making friends as an international student on a US campus can be a dilemma. It can be challenging to connect with people from different backgrounds, particularly when facing language barriers and cultural differences. It can also be difficult to navigate social situations and find opportunities to meet new people.

Fall break – Dollywood, Tennessee (Oct 2022).

Next, I am going to mention some superb courses I had. The first one is Survey of Grammar.
I, as an ELL (English Language Learner), have learned and memorized English grammar rules for nearly ten years since English is not my native language. A question popped up in my head: Is it essential for ELLs to learn English grammar?
Dr. Latchaw had a significant impact on me. She had given us a bunch of outside material, such as news, literature, and so on, which are not limited to English textbooks. I had learned diverse syntactic structures from different resources. We also had interaction from the beginning and asked each student to talk, discuss, and exchange thoughts. Through oral discussion about grammar, I am able to increase my language awareness not only in writing but also in speaking. I can be conscious of whether my grammar usage is correct while I am talking.
Thanks to Dr. Latchaw, who inspires me to enjoy the conversation on English. She is also rather amusing, which is always a plus when it comes to professors. She is highly friendly and responds swiftly to communications. I have never had a problem finding her outside of class. Dr. Latchaw is eager to answer one’s inquiries and go out of her way to assist you. Attendance is not required, but you will get the most out of the session if you show up and participate. Overall, Dr. Latchaw is an excellent and adaptable teacher. She is willing to go the extra mile to help you.


The seond one is Methodology and Assessment of TESOL. This is a hybrid graduate-level education introductory course. We have students from other countries, but most students are Americans with a second language (e.g., Spanish, Japanese, or German). Dr. Brown gave all assignments from the beginning of class. It is straightforward so you should be alright if you stick to the plan. The assignments are not too tough, but they take some time to finish. For example, we have to complete 10-hour clinical experience, an international experience, papers on some educational trends, a report on Alabama’s placement of an ESOL student, a two-week lesson plan presentation for ESOL students in a mainstream classroom, and, of course, a mid-term and a final exam.
This class was more enjoyable to me than any other this semester. Dr. Brown knows a lot about what she is teaching and explains everything clearly with citing several examples. She never yells or gets furious at her students. Assignments are completed as directed by fair graders. In addition, she is easy to contact, incredibly helpful, and quick to react. She is willing to chat to and friendly outside of class. I met Dr. Brown outside of class several times, and I liked her so much. We have talked about the difference in policies on the teacher qualification test between Taiwan and Alabama.
Overall, she is an excellent professor whom I would enthusiastically suggest to other students. Dr. Brown is quite adaptable. What you highlight in the book during class will be EXACTLY what is on the exam. She is a valuable asset to education and the UNA.

In conclusion, studying abroad is a unique opportunity that can lead to personal and academic growth. However, it is important to be aware of the misconceptions about studying abroad, particularly regarding language acquisition. Additionally, culture shock is a real phenomenon that can be challenging to navigate, but by embracing the differences and sharing your own culture, it is possible to form meaningful connections. Finally, making friends can be difficult but is crucial for a fulfilling experience abroad. By making an effort to connect with others, international students can create lasting friendships and unforgettable memories.

The biggest annual intl activity – Passport to the World (Nov 2022).

I was the 2nd trb. in Florence Shoals Community Band.

Halloween – Ghost walk (Oct 2022).

Thanksgiving Break in Disney – Orlando in FL (Nov 2022).

A 4-day trip in LA (Dec 2022).

Learning Assistance Dogs

Lena, Jessica, Nicole

Introduction of the learning assistance dog program

The dog-assisted learning program is an innovation of the Department of Special Education to strengthen students’ practical knowledge and social responsibility. Through the intervention of learning aids, we hope to enhance the teaching strategies of our department and to help students with mental and physical disabilities learn more. In addition, the provision of services to tertiary resources in classroom learning will be expanded. To promote learning dogs in collaboration with local primary and secondary schools so that more students can benefit.  

Project philosophy

The Learning Assistance Dog Project aims to integrate the special children’s communication and training mechanisms already in place in the Department of Special Education and the Special Education. 

In the first phase of the project, more than 10 schools have been trained as seed teachers in Pingtung County and Kaohsiung City Education. 

Professional Training for Learning Auxiliary Dog Collars

To train students with educational background to become learning assistants and to implement innovative service modes of communication training. Our school has been providing communication training services for students with special needs in the community for years, and it is characterized by fostering social responsibility for the consideration of the community of college students. To enhance the diversity of communication and social interaction training among students with special needs. It not only enhances students’ learning interest and effectiveness. Training and field service experience of dog handler. To provide our students with another specialty to enhancement. 

Project philosophy

The Learning Assistance Dog Project aims to integrate the special children’s communication and training mechanisms already in place in the Department of Special Education and the Special Education. In the first phase of the project, more than 10 schools have been trained as seed teachers in Pingtung County and Kaohsiung City Education. In the second phase, we will continue to work with Kaohsiung County Education

What is learning assistance dog

The school selects suitable dog breeds and trains them as “learning assistance dogs”. At the same time, it trains special education students and special education teachers with special education expertise to serve as dog leaders; trained dog leaders accompany students with learning assistance dogs to read, learning and also training expression skills. Through the companionship of an assistance dog, it can not only enhance children’s learning motivation and interest, promote learning fluency and oral expression, and let children have a unique learning experience, but can also combine the life education of treating animals well, which has a positive and encouraging effect on school children’s learning.

Children reading with dog leaders and learning assistance dog

Requirements to become a learning assistance dog

  • Suitable dog breeds selected by professional dog trainers
  • Pass basic and advanced obedience training
  • Be able to accompany children gently and stably for a long time

Learning assistance dogs at dog house

BreedPoodleWest Highland White TerrierPoodleMixMixPoodle
Personalitylike to be touched all over her body, close to peoplegluttony, close to people, love to join in fun activitiesstable, close to people, prefer to play with big childrenslow-to-warm-up, docilecurious, gluttonous, close to peoplehospitable, loves to eat, likes to be affectionate
What does it like?likes to eat snacks & sleepmake friends, play with toys, eatlikes to eat everything, likes to bite small puppets, play the game of throw and picklikes to eat everything, like to go for a walk and run outsidego for a walk, eat snacksoccasionally be picky on food, likes to go on a motorcycle ride
How to treat it?treat her tenderly, hug her like hugging a babytouch him tenderlylike to be touched, don’t move too much, approach him slowly and don’t touch his right back footpay more attention to her, sometimes if she is too enthusiastic, she will jump forwardplay the game of throwing and picking with him,
go for a walk with him
Talk to her gently because she is very sensitive to voice. She likes others to touch her tenderly and play with her.

Dog House

Learning Assistance Dog Training Classroom
Communication training classroom for students with special needs

How to become a dog handler

Now, I’d like to tell you how to become a dog handler on our campus.

Special Education Center will seek for new dog handlers on their website every May. If you like dogs, interested in assistance dogs and related service activities, and can cooperate in future training courses and activities, you can apply for it.

After a few days, they will post a list of interviews on website, and all you have to do is to wait for the interview and remember to be on time for it. After passing the interview, the person will call you to inform you that you have been accepted.

But it is not the end for you to completely become a dog handler for the assistance dogs. You have to attend the training course, which will take place in the learning assistance dogs training classroom.

The course will take 3 days to finish the course, and it is designed to introduce you to how they train the learning assistance dogs and to teach you some of the hand gestures that are used in training and how to correct some of the dog’s bad behaviors. After attending the course, you will be able to fill out the schedule of this semester to take care of the dogs. (twice a week if you’re new)

The daily tasks are to help clean the environment, change the water in the dogs’ bowls, feed them, take them to pee and poop outside the classroom, take them for walks, play with them, and help them to be more familiar with the orders such as sit, lie down, or wait.

It may sound easy, but when winter over, you have to take dogs for walks under the bright sun, if you are the only one who is on the shift that time, then you have to take six dogs out at a time, or to walk several times with three dogs or two dogs. Some dogs are also very strong, to control them is not an easy task. Especially Jacky, since he is a big dog, I have to grab the leash with my two hands to barely control him.

Also, some of them are not get along with other dogs, if they see each other, they will start a fight. They will become aggressive when they fight with others. Though you might get bite as you try to stop them, we still need to separate them. Otherwise, they will get hurt. However, I would like to state here that our learning assistance dogs do not attack people in most situations, except in the situation that I mentioned earlier.

In addition to our daily work, every weekend we have reading programs at some libraries in Pingtung. They’re free for people to attend. The main purpose is for the children to read storybook to the dogs, since that’s our learning assistance dogs’ job.

We’ll let prepare stickers and postcards that have dogs’ faces on to be the present for those children after they read the storybook to the dogs. And give them some dog treats to interact with dogs, which could help them to be more comfortable with our dogs and also could let dogs get their reward.

During the semester, besides our weekend activities in the libraries, we will occasionally go to other elementary schools, junior high schools, or universities to promote our school’s learning assistance dogs so that more people can get to know them.

Being a dog handler can sometimes be very busy and tiring, especially during midterms and finals, but every time I enter the training classroom, every dog welcomes me warmly and it would also help me a lot when I want to get a dog in the future. Although we are all seniors now and can’t be a dog handler, if you are interested in our dogs, every semester they will be in Student Counseling Center once a week, and you can follow their Instagram, they will post the dates for the activities there, so you can go and see them.

Welcome to 80’s spooky world: Stranger Things

Hello everyone! We are Gilbert and Alan.

Today we would like to talk about some reviews and thoughts after watching Stranger Things.

Brief introduction

An American science fiction horror television series
 the Duffer Brothers

4 seasons (July 15th, 2016- July 1st, 2022)
Season 1 – 8 episodes
Seanson 2 – 9 episodes
Season 3 – 8 episodes
Season 4 – 9 episodes

50 minutes / each episode

Stranger Things is set in the fictional rural town of Hawkins, Indiana, during the 1980s. The nearby Hawkins National Laboratory ostensibly performs scientific research for the United States Department of Energy, but secretly does experiments into the paranormal and supernatural, including those that involve human test subjects. Inadvertently, they have created a portal to an alternate dimension, “the Upside Down.” The influence of the Upside Down starts to affect the unknowing residents of Hawkins in calamitous ways. 


80’s trends


Despite its pillow-clenching moments of horror and sweet ’80s nostalgia, the deeper appeal of Stranger Things lies in its exploration of relationships. In particular, there are themes of fatherhood, resilience, and self-giving love. Ultimately, the show’s heart and humour stops it from being a simple gore-fest, transcending the horror genre to become a powerful story about friendship, redemption, and the victory of good against evil. 


As a cop at Hawkins, Hopper struggles to express his feelings, and his instinct to protect others can at times become controlling and aggressive. He can seem seriously lacking in empathy; yet his saving grace is his openness to the feminine, which balances and redeems his masculinity just when it’s about to go off course. It’s his interaction with and trust of Joyce Byer’s heroic mother nature that draws out his best self: when he’s listening and working with her to save the kids and the town of Hawkins, he emerges as a truly heroic father figure.


Eleven embodies both strength and softness with her telekenitic powers. Like any child, she craves love and belonging, having an innate sense of justice and mercy that keeps her powers for violence in check. The feminine aspects of her personality was her empathy, enhancing her strength and heroism. Eleven is an interesting combination of damage and redemption. it is her anger, magnified by her psycho-kinetic abilities, that opens up the gateway to the terrifying Upside Down in the first place. It is her emerging ability to love which then repairs it, against all the odds.

Will & resistance against evil

When Will is possessed by the Mind Flayer in Season 2, his inherently good nature enables him to resist the evil that’s using his body and mind just enough to communicate with his loved ones, confirming that no matter how irresistible the forces of darkness might seem, we always have a choice to fight it. In this sense, Stranger Things can be read as an interesting commentary on our culture’s blind participation in mindless mass consumption, and the destruction of our environment and vulnerable human life.

Connection to our lives

I’m a huge fan of science fiction. Therefore, I’ve watched a number of movies and TV series in this category, and as we normally acknowledged, movies or TV series that have sci-fi themes mostly set their stories in the future world, sometimes even a dystopian one. However, in Stranger Things, there are futuristic elements happening in the 1980s of Hawkins, the time technology was not that much developed than nowadays’ and a more realistic place for sci-fi elements. In my opinion, It’s quite refreshing because it creates a conflicting aesthetics which is one of the reasons why I personally love about this series!
For me, I like watching “Stranger Things” very much because there are both touching and funny scenes in this show. I typically like American’s high school scene since it’s a free place for students to show themselves. For example, they don’t need to wear uniforms like Taiwan’s students do and there aren’t lots of school’s regulations. Also, I like the protagonists’ friendship, love and family relationship in this series because their close connection with each other is the key to fighting the evil forces. If they don’t work together and help each other when facing difficulty, this show will be boring and unworthy for audiences to watch. This show teaches audience that we should cherish the time with our friends and family since we won’t know what will happen in the future.


Rating: 4 out of 5.

An audience named Tweekums comments that “Stranger Things” is a great series which includes nostalgia, horror and sci-fi. Although he grows up in rural Oxford shire instead of small town in America, he really likes the nostalgia factor because he is in his early teens in the early eighties. He thinks the series is fantastic because the story provides not only some good scary moments but also a great atmosphere with threats which are a combination of fantasy and sci-fi and dangerous monsters. The characters are great, especially the boys, Eleven, Will’s mother, Joyce and Jim Hopper, the town’s sheriff. What’s more, the effects, an impressive mix of CGI and physical effects, are also good since they impressively bring the supernatural elements of the film to real life. To sum up, he’d certainly recommend this series to fans of the genre.  

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Wils comments that season 4 is a good show is a good show but not for younger kids because it’s more horrible than other seasons. There are lots of torture and grizzly death in season 4. Wils thinks it’s a high-quality show for adults and older kids since there are lots of suspense, story slowly unfolds and 80’s nostalgia in it. However, season 4 is a little over the top in general because bullying is written and filmed and there are less realistic plot lines than other seasons, but it’s still entertaining. Season 1 and 2 are more suitable for kids below 16 to watch and season 3 and season 4 have to go with kids above 16.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Rigier considers the best part of the series is the character progression. This show has many characters and it gives them such interesting growth. Also, this show is full of unexpected plot twists and never skips a beat. From its opening theme to its great acting, to its constant flow of quips, and undeniable tension with the highest stakes possible, “Stranger Things” is among the very top shows in the streaming platform. Although it may seem to be catered to a younger audience, it really isn’t. It treats its youngsters as adults, something that was common in the ’80’s but seems lost too often in these times. So, don’t deprive yourself of this one, the opening theme alone will make it worthwhile. Go watch. Now. 


After watching the whole series, I’m obsessed with the plot, the twists, and especially the main characters. Stranger Things is ultimately a study in love and relationships, and what makes us different from the forces of evil as the “Mind Flayer” in the show. While powerful and terrifying as evil is, it’s fascinating to see that a group of kids and teenagers can resist and eventually outwit it. From my perspective, it’s inspirational that the show is trying to remind us childlike imagination and the power of love and friendship may be stronger than we think. Stranger Things perfectly combines horrifying, hilarious, touching, and profound elements together which I personally think is impressive. Therefore, I strongly recommend you to watch it!

Sense of guilt is talked about in “Stranger Things”. Sense of guilt is a combination of anxiety, fear, shame and frustration. It causes people to be hopeless and depressed when they feel guilty. Take Max for example, she feels guilty since she thinks she’s the person who kills her brother, Billy. Therefore, she becomes the killing target of the antagonist, Vecna, in season 4. In my opinion, I think everyone more or less has their sense of guilt in their daily life such as doing a bad thing to a person or not doing homework. The best way to face sense of guilt is not keeping away from it but solving it with forgiveness and acceptance. Only with forgiveness and acceptance, we can truly not let sense of guilt bother our life. For me, Billy’s death isn’t related to Max because it’s his choice to sacrifice himself to protect Eleven. His brave action is what we need to learn. Go watch this TV series if you haven’t watched it yet!  


Graves, R. (2022, July 29). A Stranger Things 4 Reflection.

Kid reviews for Stranger Things. (2016, July 5). Common Sense Media.

Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. (2022, July 23). Stranger Things: The Deeper Meaning Behind a Netflix Sensation. Humanum Review.

Stranger Things (TV Series 2016– ). (n.d.). IMDb.

Steadman, J. (2017, November 6). 11 Reasons Why Everyone is Obsessed With Stranger Things. Her Campus | Created for Gen Z, by Gen Z.

Wikipedia contributors. (2023, January 3). Stranger Things. Wikipedia.

About Cocktail…

Robert, Katniss, Eric, Rock and Roll Alan, Jammie

by Robert

Short Introduction:

Feel depressed about life? Miss your Mr. or Ms. right? If your life is cloudy, why not get into a bar and have cocktails for pleasure? With the cocktail’s incredible magic, you can leave those annoying trifles temporarily and restart your life. Today, we are going to talk about the amazing beverage – Cocktail

The Orign & History about Cocktail

People nowadays consider cocktail as the symbol of alcoholic beverages. However, have you ever thought why it has something to do with the tail of roosters? Did the cute creatures help human beings make the drink? Well, the answer is “No”, but the word “Cock- tail ” can imply the feature of these attractive drinks’ names.

According to BBC News, “Cock-tail was long used for horses whose tails are docked, giving them a fan-like shape like a rooster’s tail.

These were often working or rough-country horses, so the term sometimes denoted a cross-breed rather than a thoroughbred.”

In this way, “Cock- tail” carries the idea of mixing different things.

Nevertheless, until 1806, “cocktail” finally refers to drinks.

This year, the editor of Balance and Columbian Repository (a newspaper in New York City) defined a cocktail as a stimulating liquor composed of spirits of any kind – sugar, water, and bitters.

This is the first time “cocktail” has been used as the name of drinks instead of the tail of a rooster or horse.

Besides its name, the origin of the cocktail is still controversial. In the following sections, let’s talk about two famous versions. 

The Bar in Elmsford

The first cocktail can be traced back to a bar in Elmsford New York. In 1776, when a bar was going to close for the day, some soldiers came for drinks.

Unfortunately, the wine sold out at that time. In this situation, Besty Flanagan, who was the owner of the bar, mixed all the liquor and decorated the wineglass with a rooster’s feather.

The soldiers enjoyed this drink and asked for the drink’s name. Flanagan then said it was a “cocktail”! This is the most well-known story of the cocktail’s origin.


Elmosford, New York

The Bar in Campeche

Many years ago, a British warship berthed in Mexico Campeche. Then the soldiers came to a town bar for some liquor. The waiter here used a twig to stir the beverage for them. After drinking the wine, a soldier thought it was the best beverage he had ever tasted and asked the name of it.

However, the waiter thought he was talking about the twig and answered “Cola de Gallo” which means the tail of a rooster in Spanish. After all, the twig looked like the rooster’s feather. Obviously, both the solider and waiter misunderstood the conversation, nevetheless, the people started to call this alcoholic beverage “cocktail .”

The origin of cocktail is controversial, but there is one certain thing- cocktail is tasty!

Now I am going to introduce a famous cocktail called Blue Lagoon.

Blue Lagoon 藍色珊瑚礁

Blue Lagoon originated in French Pair. Just like its name, Blue Lagoon is known for its fantastic appearance.

This drink looks like a sky-blue ocean with bubbles on it. Now let me show you how to make this drink by yourself. All of the ingredients are easy to purchase.

The ingredients to make Blue Lagoon

Total : 1005 NT dollars

How to make Blue Lagoon

Step 1: Put the ice cubes into wineglass

Step 2: Use the shooter (盎司杯) to pour Vodka into wineglass

Step 3: Mixed the lemon juice with the Vodka in wineglass

Step 4: Pour blue curacao liqueur and soda into wineglass

Step 5: Decorate the wineglass with a piece of lemon.

*Personal Experience

Just like its name, blue lagoon brings me a sense of relaxation and enjoyment. The perfect mix of Vodka and blue curacao liqueur create an incredible taste.

As the first cocktail with a soft drink, blue lagoon is suitable for people who want a cup of drink on the weekends but don’t like the taste of liquor. The orange taste softens the Vodka smoothly but retains its unique taste at the same time.

After giving it a try, I strongly recommend everyone drink it in person.

Common Base Wine for Cocktails

by Katniss

   Generally speaking, cocktails are composed of three parts: base wine, auxiliary materials, and decorations. The base wine is the core of cocktails which constitutes the main source of taste and taste of this cocktail. Following are six of the most common base wines for cocktails.


It is a distilled beverage made from the blue agave plant, primarily in the area surrounding the city of Tequila, Mexico. Generally contain 38–55% alcohol by volume.


 It is a distilled spirit of cocktails that is made from grain and flavored with botanicals.


It was born in Cuba and has three flavors: light, medium and strong. In addition, light rums are usually used as cocktail bases.


It is a distilled spirit produced from fermented fruit which has a strong fragrance and mellow taste. Grapes are the most common ingredient, and generally contain 35-60% alcohol by volume.


It is a type of distilled alcoholic beverage made from fermented grain mash including barley, corn, rye, and wheat.


It is a clear distilled alcoholic beverage which was born in Russia.

Now I am going to introduce the classic cocktail—long island iced tea.

Long Island Iced Tea 長島冰茶

It is typically made with vodka, tequila, light rum, triple sec, gin, and a splash of cola. The characteristic of this cocktail is that because of its sweet taste, it overpowers the strong taste of alcohol and makes people unknowingly drink too much and get drunk.

*Personal Experience

To be honest, Long island iced tea and I just like old homies.

We have spent several incredibly crazy nights together. Because of its sweet taste, I can barely feel the taste of alcohol, so I always drink too much.

At the first beginning, I usually feel kind of dizzy and soon the adrenaline will bring me to another world.

All in all, according to my personal experience, I suggest that girls should be aware and careful while drinking long island iced tea at a bar.


Common Snacks for Cocktails

by Eric

Sometimes, it is better to drink cocktails with some snack. If you can choose the right finger food, your booze will taste twice better. Here are some typical snacks which are suitable for cocktails.

Bar Etiquette

Like in every social occasion, there are also rules you must follow in a cocktail bar. If you don’t want to embarrass yourself, it is better to remember the principles below.

1. Dresscode

It is okay to wear casually but don’t wear slippers, shorts, or a tank top to a bar. It is more appropriate to wear sneakers, jeans, and a T-shirt than that.

2. Ordering

Before you make an order, you should have already made up your mind on what to drink. If you say, “surprise me,” the bartender only gets confused because he doesn’t know what kind of flavor you like. Consequently, you may get a glass of drink you dislike.

If you really don’t know the cocktail’s name or what to order, you can tell your fond taste to the bartender. Thus, he or she can serve you a decent drink according to your saying.

3. Don’t ask the bartender to add alcohol

If you think the cocktail is not strong enough, do not demand the bartender to add more alcohol to your drink. This action implies that you think the bartender is unprofessional. To avoid this impolite deed, follow the second rule above.

4. Don’t play around or make loud noises

It is inevitable to get carried away, as you get drunk. However, it is forbidden to go crazy in a bar because you may affect other customers’ right to enjoy their sips.

5. Don’t drunk driving

Last but the most important rule of all, do not drive while you are drunk. You may get caught by police and forced to pay an enormous amount of fine. What’s worse, you may even kill an innocent person accidently.

Call a cab or a friend to carry you home is the best solution. 


The Screwdriver was one of the first recorded cocktails to be made with vodka and, unlike many other classic combinations, it was not created by a bartender in some fancy bar. Instead, it was made by American oil workers out in the Persian Gulf in the mid-20th century.

While working, they would secretly pour a little vodka into their orange juice and, in the absence of a spoon, they would stir their drinks with a screwdriver – hence the name.

Enough background story, let’s jump into the making section.

Materials you need

Total:425 NT dollars

How to make Screwdriver

Step1: Mix 2 parts orange juice with 1 part vodka.

Step2: Stir together in a glass with ice.

*Personal Experience

To be honest, it is nothing different from a glass of regular orange juice. I barely sense the flavor of vodka. Therefore, it is easy to drink a whole glass of screwdriver even though there is liquor in it.

I highly recommend this classic cocktail to those who want to try cocktails but can’t bear the strong texture in alcohol.

Introduce a bar out of ordinary: Tickle My Fantasy

by Rock and Roll Alan


Have you ever heard of a library bar?

A bar that you got to be extremely quiet and behaved, or else you’ll get kicked out by the bartender in no time! Upon you step into the front of the store, the first thing you gonna hear will be the owner warning you to keep quiet, nor shouting or ice breaking games.

Tickle My Fantasy’s number one rule, “Please abide by the rules, or else you won’t be happy here.”  

Today I want to recommend an outstanding bar that I accidentally found in Taipei Xinyi.

It was a stormy midnight that I already wandered for three hours with friends on Taipei streets.

Just expecting some bars or bistros to dine there and meet some girls. :))

Unfortunately, we stumbled upon a bar that can’t talk out loud and playing games :((

So no socializing at all, only chatting in whispers with your friends. It’s almost the best place that you can indulge yourself in the pleasure of relaxing and alcohol.

*Recommend drink

Red wine sour $350

For a rookie drinker like me, you won’t be disappointed for this red wine sour. For the taste is fragrant enough and the sweetness was on spot. But for many professional drinkers like Katniss, they will definitely look down on it, which is not strong enough to make you drunk. Meanwhile, I enjoy this glass of wine very much with roast duck livers which was amazing to go with wine ngl.

Roast duck livers was a secret dish that is not on the menu, so we’re really lucky to have a taste for this serendipity.

The bar’s location is near the MRT station and TICC (Taipei International Convention Center) where my internship take place.

Address: No. 8, Section 2, Anhe Road, Daan District, Taipei City 106

Open hours: 19:00–03:00

Tel: 02 2709 0106

Different Types of Bar

by Jammie

There are several types of bars with their unique names and features. The categories are limitless, depending on some different factors like location, scene, appealing bar design features, a great customized playlist, and most importantly, the mood.

Live Music Bar

Live music bars feature live music that have a stage for a band or DJ to perform, and a dance floor for guests to dance along. Live music venue is focus on concerts and hosting musical talent, also usually have a bar area for people to get drinks while enjoying the show.

What’s more, live music creates a social vibe. Playing live music can create an atmosphere of joyfulness, freedom and familiarity that boosts you to meet new people. In the relaxing atmosphere, people are more likely to talk to different person and possibly make good friends.

Sport Bar

Sports bars tend to be very casual and focused more on providing entertainment than serving unique drinks.

Games and sporting events are guaranteed to be on display on TV screens throughout the bar. It offers a place for people to gather and cheer on their favorite team. Sports bars usually offer a food menu, featuring classic food like wings and nachos, and some offer wine and spirits as well. The atmosphere of sports bars are the interior with some photographs of popular players and teams.

College Bar

College bars are ideally suited to college students. Most of them are located around campus which can easily go there even if you don’t have a car. The bars are full of life and energy, so if this is the vibe you are looking for, the college bar is the place to be.

Most of the bartenders in college bars are college students. It might not be the most quality tasting drink, but when you’re in college, it’s always quantity over quality.

Drink specials at college bars feature crazy cheap drink. For example, “Tequila Tuesday” means one dollar tequila shots and lasted all night, or every Wednesday’s “Drown Night” from 9 p.m. to close. You can pay ten dollars at the door and then drink as much as you cannot handle. That’s why it is often to see an explosion of different colored puke in the toilets and sinks in the college bar. 😛

Nostalgia Bars

The Nostalgia bars depict ancient eras of bars in modern times.

A nostalgia bar began in the prohibition era (禁酒令時期) that has a theme devoted to old movies or music.

These bars are characterized mainly by old black-and-white photos and yellowed newspaper articles on the walls.They simply provide basic wine and beer rather than creative and fancy cocktails because they are pretty simple in design and general look.

However, if you want a drink that was popular decades ago, they will certainly be able to create one for you.

Margarita 瑪格麗特

Margarita combines tequila, orange-flavored brandy, and lime juice.

It usually has a sweet-sour flavor, featuring a perfect balance between sweet and sour. It is served in a glass with its rim covered in salt.

How to make Margarita

Step1: To prepare rim, rub the rim of the glass with the lime wedge.

Step 2: With the salt on a saucer, dip either half or the entire rim of the glass in the salt to coat.

Step 3: In a cocktail shaker, add ice, tequila, lime juice, orange liqueur, and agave.

Step 4: Shake to chill.

Step 5: Strain into prepared glass.

Step 6: Garnish with a lime wedge.

Revitalizing Margarita Flavors

  • Passion Fruit Margarita
  • Watermelon Margarita
  • Spicy Mango Margarita
  • Frozen Coconut Margarita
  • Spicy Lime Margarita
  • Sour Citrus Margarita

*February 22, National Margarita Day!

Release Pressure- Singing in the Karaoke.

Editing by Sharon Wu, Melody Chen and Joanna Chang.


The word, Karaoke, first appeared in 1956 in Japan. It was related to an opera troupe. Their members went on strike so they were forced to stop their performance. An electrical store provided the accompaniment and the opera troupe could do their performance as usual. The accompaniment relied on the electronic machine was not played by people.


Karaoke was not created by someone because its system, hardware, software and service were supplied by different people. While most people believe that Inoue Daisuke(井上大佑) is the person who first invented the karaoke machine and he created it in 1971. He was a musician in his youth, employed in backing businessman who wanted to sing in bars, and invented the machine as a means of allowing them to sing without live back-up. He did not patent the machine and so did not directly profit, but he continued to work in the industry it generated, including patenting a pesticide for karaoke machines.


  • Cashbox Partyworld(錢櫃)

The first KTV chains in Taiwan. The company opened its first store on Linsen N. Rd in Taipei in March in 1989 and at the end of that year, they opened five branches. Today, they have 18 branches all over Taiwan.

  • Holiday(好樂迪)

Founded in April 10th in 1993 on Minsheng E. Rd in Taipei. It was the first karaoke company which used the computer system to play songs in Taiwan and they also created a customer satisfaction scoring system in 1995. And now they have 54 branches in Taiwan.

Recently, mini boxes have become more and more common. We can see some mini boxes in the department store and streets. If we only want to sing a few songs, you can go to the mini boxes and it’ll be more convenient.

Karaoke? Restaurant?

When you enter the box in the karaoke, you will look at the menu to order the food first, or start to sing the song immediately? There are many people go to the Party World to enjoy the foods! It’s interesting that if you search the name of this karaoke store on YouTube, you’ll see lots of videos sharing about the delicious foods they strongly recommend.

Are you curious about the top 10 foods in Party World? Here is the list from their official company collected in 2019. Let’s see what kind of food people ordering the most to fulfill their stomach.

(The results is from the first video in the screenshot: )

Top 1- Braised beef noodles 雙寶紅燒牛肉麵

Top 2- White cabbage boiled dumplings 高麗菜手工水餃

Top 3- American fried snacks 美式炸點拼盤

Top 4- Soy sauce-flavored delicacies 正港滷味拼盤

Top 5- Beef noodles with pickled cabbage 酸菜牛肉麵

Top 6- Noodles with XO sauce XO醬風味乾拌麵

Top 7- Marseille seafood pizza 馬賽海鮮披薩

Top 8- Classic rice with pork chop set 經典排骨飯套餐

Top 9- Kimchi tofu with secret sauce 秘製泡菜豆腐

Top 10- Congee with pork and country eggs 皮蛋瘦肉粥

As the list show above, most of the customer will order the beef noodles in Party World. Even none of our us been to Party World karaoke, we all know about how famous this meal is, no wonder the beef noodles won the best-selling food. Next time if you want to visit this gourmet restaurant, no, Party World, you can give it a try!

However, we always order the fried snacks instead of some boiled food, because it can satisfy almost everyone and be served quickly.

Let’s go party all night

If a big group of people want to have fun in Karaoke, maybe Holiday can be a good choice, because it has many sizes of box from small to very large one. The biggest box in Holiday (the store in New Taipei) can fit about 25 people. The spacious space is definitely enough for customers to hold party, or even ask your friends and family to help you to propose to your lover in the big box.

It’s convenient to find the information and the photos of the boxes on Holiday’s website. Just click the store of a city, and you can also see the prices and some reminders.

Enjoy Warmth

In 1993, the first Enjoy Warmth was established in Pingtung Chaozhou. This company aims to provide their customers a warm place for gathering and celebrating. In 2007, there were already six branches, one of them was established in Penghu Magong. In 2008, based on the KTV, Enjoy Warmth combined the Chinese fast-food restaurant to provide multiple options for their customers. Nowadays, the branches of Enjoy Warmth are all over in Kaohsiung, Taichung, Tainan, Penghu, Pingtung and Taitung. Some branches of Enjoy Warmth not only provide food in boxes, they also become a fusion of KTV and a wedding restaurant to provide a formal occasion for customers.

Enjoy Warmth in Pingtung

  1. Order cakes for customers.
  2. Park for customers.
  3. 24H security cameras recording at the entrance and exit area.
  4. Call a taxi for customers.
  5. Free parking lot.

One of the most popular activities for college students is singing all night at the KTV. Take us for example, we often choose Enjoy Warmth as our option. If you have the membership of Enjoy Warmth, you can have special discount: 50% off on Tuesday. It’s cheaper and more affordable for students. Recently, Enjoy Warmth starts to add some news songs from popular Chinese dramas and singing programs so that the same song will have different versions for customers to choose. If customers would like to check about new songs, they can go on the official website. Also, Enjoy Warmth is free to bring your own food, they won’t charge extra fee.

The reason why we sing in Enjoy Warmth so often because it has a lot of advantages like discounts. We don’t have to find parking lot and we can bring what we want to eat without being charged another fee. Another reason I love Enjoy Warmth is the microphone. If we have more people and we get a bigger box, we will have a microphone like this. It increases more enjoyment, because singing with this microphone will feel like a super star or an incredible singer.

Especially in these four years, the time in Enjoy Warmth become one of the most precious memories in our life.

Doing our favorite thing with our best friends, these are the happiest moments in college life!

A Visit to Longbin Shantou Hotpot in Pingtung Nightmarket!



No. 7, Xingshi Lane, Pingtung City, Pingtung County 900

隆賓汕頭火鍋 – Google 地圖

Business time:

Feature of Xinyuan Shantou Hot Pot:

It was founded in 1968

The most traditional Shantou flavor

Handmade satay sauce


The restaurant was quite spacious. The environment was clean and comfortable. You could easily take a

look into their kitchen, which was also tidy and clean. The clerk was nice and introduced their signature

cuisines to us patiently. It was a good dining experience.

What did we order in Longbin Shantou Hot Pot:

As soon as you enter the store, you will see a lot of fresh ingredients, including seafood, hot pot

ingredients, various mushrooms, and fresh vegetables that are commonly placed in hot pot, which are

stored in the refrigerator for customers to take by themselves. The colors of the plates on which the

ingredients are placed in the store are different, and different colors represent different prices. Choose

your favorite hot pot ingredients, take them from the refrigerator, and calculate the cost at the final


There are two kinds of stocks to choose from, one is the original stock and the other is the original stock

used shacha sauce as the base. And we chose the original stock as we were afraid that the taste of shacha

sauce would be too strong.

Matsusaka pork  $250

The pork is topped with onions, tomato, and tofu.

We usually put these vegetables first and then the meat, so that the taste of the soup would be very


fried tofu skin$60

Yan Dumpling $80

white beech mushroom $80

Cabbage $60

Meat Ball $110



The meat in Lumbin Shantou hot pot is fresh, and the Matsusaka pork is soft and nice. Especially its

soup is very sweet and I like it very much. The soup and meat are the perfect matches. I like the way that

I can choose the ingredients I like by myself, because sometimes when I go to other hot pot restaurants,

the ingredients are given by the store, and sometimes they will give me what I don’t like. And the store

owner is very enthusiastic. If you are the first time eating at this restaurant, she will patiently explain to

you how to choose the ingredients and introduce their stocks. I recommend people who live in Pingtung

to find a chance to visit this hot pot restaurant. Eating such delicious hot pot in winter will make you

feel pleased and satisfied.


Although it was not my first time visiting here, each time I still find it a good place to come. The meat

was fresh, and the tender taste was perfect. Beside the mat, my favorite ingredient was the meat ball. It

was chewy and juicy!!!!! (A must-eat in this restaurant!!!) the soup was good, not too salty nor too

tasteless. I strongly recommend the original flavor, the soup was in a perfect sweetness. Even if the price

was a little bit high to a not-that-rich student like me, giving this restaurant a try is a decision you won’t
